Extract HTML Data - Package STA.EXTRACT_HTML_DATA Specification
- Package: extract_html_data
- Description: Container for all procedures and functions relating to extracting data from semi-structured HTML.
- Type:
- Name: data_list
- Description: Container for HTML table data.
- Type: TABLE
- Datatype: VARCHAR2(4000)
- Function: extract_table
- Description: Return a PL/SQL table containing the data found in the p_table_no HTML from PARSED_HTML. The PARSED_HTML page is referenced as the last created block pointed to by the page name.
- Parameters:
- p_table_no:
- Datatype: NUMBER
- Direction: IN
- Description: The cardinal location of the table within the HTML.
- p_web_page:
- Datatype: html_pages.name%TYPE
- Direction: IN
- Description: The page name that the PARSED_HTML data block originated from.
- Return:
- Datatype: data_list
- Description: A PL/SQL table containing the data. Each element contains the char'd data for one row in the table in the form; '[data_1]','[data_2]','[...
- Action:
- Get run_no keys (parse and raw) for parsed_html from the web page name.
- Get the start component sequence for the table of interest.
- Get the end component sequence for the table of interest.
- For all the HTML components inside the range found above...
- If the start of a new table row...
- Create a new list object.
- Put an opening quote into the object.
- Else If an opening or closing Table Data tag...
- If an opening tag and not the first piece of data...
- Add a comma component seperator.
- End; If an opening tag and not the first piece of data.
- Add a quote.
- Else if not a tag...
- Add the data to the object.
- Else do nothing.
- End; If the start of a new table row.
- End; For all the HTML components in the range found above.
- Return the list.
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