-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- Title: ctl_gen_b.sql -- -- Author: Steve Roach -- -- Date: 23-AUG-2006 -- -- Version: 01.00 -- -- -- -- Description: A package for general control procedures. -- -- -- -- History: -- -- -- -- Date Ver Author Description -- -- --------- ----- ------ -------------------------------------------------- -- -- 23-AUG-06 01.00 SRR First release -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Package body definition. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ctl_gen AS -- Generate a timestamp and run number for the run. -- Create a mapping_histories row to start the run. PROCEDURE initialise_mapping( p_mapping IN VARCHAR2 ,p_run_no OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN -- Generate a run number for the run. Create a mapping_histories row -- to start the run. INSERT INTO mapping_histories ( run_no ,mapping_library ,start_tsp ,end_tsp ) VALUES ( run_no_s.NEXTVAL ,p_mapping ,SYSDATE ,NULL ) RETURNING run_no INTO p_run_no;
EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'ctl_gen.initialise_mapping Error: [' || SQLERRM || ']. p_mapping = [' || p_mapping || '], p_run_no = [' || p_run_no || '].'); END initialise_mapping;
-- Close the mapping_histories row by adding an end timestamp. PROCEDURE finalise_mapping( p_run_no IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN -- Close the mapping_histories row by adding an end timestamp. UPDATE mapping_histories SET end_tsp = SYSDATE WHERE run_no = p_run_no;
EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'ctl_gen.finalise_mapping Error: [' || SQLERRM || ']. p_run_no = [' || p_run_no || '].'); END finalise_mapping; END ctl_gen; /
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